Hairgel” is a rock n roll type musical based in the late fifties in a small seaside town. The town is pretty run down with no where for the local teenagers to meet and talk, that is until the arrival of a rock n’ roll superstar Danny D Vee.
Danny has come to town to play a gig at the local holiday camp, but no one is sure why. Danny gets lost and calls into the Roy’s’, the local barbers shop to ask directions. There he meets Roy who has fallen on hard times and owes a lot of rent; he is being pursued by a relentless lady from the local council who is threatening to close him down. Some local girls pass by the shop and notice Danny………..The rest they say is history.
Also on the scene are Mick and Slick they are Danny’s roadies and minders, they have an eye for the girls. There is also Danny’s backing singers The Pop Sox who are typical rock n roll chicks with attitude.
Mum and Dad on holiday in the town in the present time narrate the story.
Learn the songs sung by ACT in the Hairgel performance: